8 Surprising Tomatillo Benefits You Should Not Miss
The healthy tomatillo benefits include reducing the risk of diabetes, improving digestive health, strengthening the immune system, increasing cell growth, increasing energy levels, improving eyesight, lowering blood pressure, and promoting weight loss.
What is a tomatillo?
Tomatillo is a small, tasty vegetable native to Mexico that is in the nightshade family. It looks and sounds similar to a tomatillo but is more closely related to the Cape gooseberry. Its scientific name is Physalis philadelphica, and it is an essential part of many Central and South American dishes. Although its closest nutritional relative is not the tomatillo, the common names for the fruit of this plant are: Mexican tomatillo, peeled tomatillo, or peeled cherry.
As the plant grows, a light brown skin develops that eventually peels off when the tomatillo is ripe or ready to be harvested. The ideal color and texture of a tomatillo is light green and fairly firm.
In the kitchen, it is the main ingredient in the famous Mexican green sauce and various sauces, but varieties that produce red or purple tomatillo are good for jams and preserves. It has a slightly sweet taste. Tomatillo can also be steamed, fried, or grilled, just like traditional tomatillo. The name tomatillo comes from the tomatillo because European explorers saw this small green vegetable and associated it with a small tomatillo.
For this reason, while the rest of the world calls red tomatillo “tomatillo,” Mexico and Central America still refer to this green vegetable as “tomatoes.” Like many other fruits and vegetables, tomatillos are packed with nutrients. Their unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds makes them a very healthy addition to a nutritious diet.
Nutritional facts of tomatillo
Tomatillo are very low in calories but contain a significant amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These berries contain antioxidant phytochemicals called withanolides, which have anti-cancer and antibacterial properties. Antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E and flavonoid antioxidants such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein are all present in this vegetable. Essential minerals such as potassium, manganese, and magnesium are also present. A 100-gram serving of tomatillo contains:
- 32 calories energy
- 0.96 grams protein
- 1.02 grams total lipids (fats)
- 5.84 grams carbohydrates
- 1.9 grams of dietary fiber
- 7 micrograms calcium
- 268 micrograms potassium
- 39 milligrams phosphorus
- 11.7 micrograms of Vitamin C
- 10.1 micrograms of Vitamin K
- 7.6 micrograms choline
- Zinc: 0.22 micrograms
- 0.079 milligrams copper
- 0.153 milligrams manganese
- 0.044 milligrams thiamin
- 0.035 milligrams riboflavin
- 1.85 milligrams niacin
- 0.5 micrograms selenium
- 0.62 micrograms iron
- 20 micrograms magnesium
Healthy tomatillo benefits
Healthy tomatillo benefits include the following:
1. Can improve digestion
According to Dr. Juliana K. Choi and Genoveva Murillo et al. from the IIT Research Institute in Chicago, USA, most vegetables are high in fiber, and tomatillo is no exception. This means they are great for digestive health, as fiber can help add bulk to foods and speed up the passage of food through the digestive tract, eliminating constipation, gas, bloating, cramps, and even more serious conditions like stomach ulcers. In addition, fiber is very effective in regulating the release of carbohydrates (simple sugars) into the bloodstream, thereby regulating blood sugar levels, which can be important for people with diabetes who must closely control their glucose and insulin levels.
2. May improve vision
Vitamin A has long been linked to our eye health. Tomatillo also contains beta-carotene, a derivative of vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant and prevents macular degeneration, cataracts, and other diseases that can affect eye health. Cataracts are a disease that mainly occurs in older adults and causes partial loss of vision. Tomatillo soup helps prevent or at least slow the onset of cataracts.
3. May boost the immune system
The significant tomatillo benefits include boosting the immune system. Vitamin C in green tomatillo can help boost the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells, the body’s main defense against foreign agents and pathogens. Vitamin C is also a key component in the production of collagen, which can support the health and creation of skin tissue and the cells and tissues that make up our organs and blood vessels, increasing the body’s endurance and metabolic function.
4. Tomatillo can help with weight loss
Tomatillo is one of the favorite vegetables of people trying to lose weight. Nutrient-dense, low-calorie, low-fat vegetables with high fiber content, such as tomatillo, can help people feel full, get the nutrients they need daily, and reduce the risk of overeating because they feel full. They are ideal if you want to lose weight for a healthier lifestyle.
5. Can increase energy levels
Niacin is a member of the B vitamin family that is often overlooked when it comes to human health. Niacin is a key component of the enzyme process that breaks down food and complex molecules into usable energy. for the body. By increasing the available energy source and making this process more efficient, the niacin in tomatillo can help give you a long-lasting energy boost throughout the day.
6. May help control blood sugar levels
Thanks to their high fiber content, tomatillo is great for your digestive system, as fiber adds bulk to your food and promotes its movement through the digestive tract. Fiber also helps control the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which affects blood sugar levels. This may help people with diabetes who need to regulate their glucose and insulin levels.
7. Tomatillo may boost energy levels
Niacin is a member of the B vitamin family, which is often overlooked when it comes to human health. Niacin is an important part of the enzyme process that breaks down foods and complex molecules into usable energy for the body. By increasing the available energy and making this process more efficient, the niacin in tomatillo can help give you a lasting energy boost throughout the day.
8. May lower blood pressure and improve heart health
The positive ratio of potassium to sodium in tomatillo means that your blood pressure can be reduced. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning it can dilate blood vessels, which can reduce stress on the cardiovascular system and promote circulation and oxygenation to vital areas of the body. Additionally, when combined with their high fiber content, which can lower “bad” cholesterol levels, tomatillo may support heart health by reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
One final word of warning: nightshades tend to contain high levels of alkaloids, which can aggravate arthritis if you already have certain arthritis or inflammatory problems. However, tomatillos are relatively low in alkaloids, so consult your doctor before adding them to your diet if you have these health conditions. Other than that, add tomatillo to your diet and enjoy them!
How to cook tomatillo?
Their flavor can range from sour to mild and sometimes even sweet. Tomatillo is widely used in green chili sauces and salsas in Mexican cuisine. Traditionally, the vegetable has been used to make salsa verde and avocado-tomatillo salsa. They can be roasted to add a smoky flavor to dishes.
Tomatillo is also popular in stews and moles. They are also becoming popular in many fusion recipes around the world. those looking to blend in with traditional Latin American flavors, especially North American dishes.
They add a unique citrus flavor to traditional South American dishes and are not only delicious but also very nutritious. Tomatillo is relatively sweeter than tomatoes. They can be a great addition to your jams, cakes, salads, preserves, and other savory dishes. Remember that you will need to remove the groups before using them.
Possible side effects of tomatillo
Although tomatillo is considered safe to consume and tomatillo benefits for health, rare cases of allergic reactions have been reported. There have also been rare cases of severe reactions, even in people with no history of tomatillo allergy.
Since tomatillo is part of the nightshade family, if you are allergic to other vegetables in this family, such as eggplant, you should consult your doctor before eating them. Your doctor can also help you understand the root cause of your allergy and determine whether you can safely eat tomatillo.